VOCAL Meetings

When is the Next Meeting?

Meetings are always on the second Monday of the Month at 7:30 pm on Zoom.

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VOCAL meetings will bring music to your ears and food for your creative soul. Come to the next one. You’ll see (and hear) what we mean.

As a rule, these occur monthly on the second Monday of the month. The format is fluid, but includes on a regular basis:

  • new song performance and feedback sessions
  • dissections and deconstruction of great songs and songwriter techniques
  • creative block-breaking mental exercises
  • and other songwriting skills such as melody, modulation, harmony, storytelling, rhyming and rhythm.

Occasionally, there will be organizational business to attend to:

  • planning participation in events around the state,
  • special VOCAL banquets or parties, election of officers,
  • and handling of financial chores

These gatherings of VOCAL members offer a combination of

  • education
  • discussion
  • evaluation
  • and fellowship

VOCAL meetings can increase your passion for the work as it deepens your understanding of the craft.

- Russell Lawson

