VOCAL Songwriters Showcase

Virginia's longest continuously running Songwriters Showcase.


Currently the Showcases stream on Zoom and Facebook Live

Please "Like" our Facebook page and follow our Events there for the latest information about the Showcase. We always publish the links to the streaming in a Facebook Event and in our monthly Email Newsletter. Use the SIgn-up form to the right to join that list.

We hope to return to live Showcases in the future. Our recent venue was O'Toole's Restaurant. Here's the address.

O'Toole's Restaurant & Pub
4800 Forest Hill Ave.
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone 804-233-1781

Click for Directions


Showcases are always on the third Monday of the month at 8 pm.


Click here For reviews of past showcases

How to Play

If you would like to be included to play the showcase, be sure to contact us at the Showcase Email to get on the list. Performing on the showcase is a benefit of membership. Your dues must be current to play. We may request an audition tape if we are unfamiliar with you or your material.

The Live showcase format features original music only. A variety of songwriters and styles are represented with changing formats

